Anaconda Individual Edition 2020.11

Please note that since the publication of this post, we’ve repositioned our product offerings into Anaconda plans. Individual Edition is now reflected by our Free plan, Commercial Edition is now reflected by our Pro plan, Team Edition is now reflected by our Business plan, and Enterprise Edition is now reflected by our Enterprise plan. Click here to learn more about our plans for individuals, and click here to learn more about our plans for organizations. 

We are pleased to announce the release of Anaconda Individual Edition 2020.11!

You’ll find 119 package updates and 7 newly added packages since the last release of the installer in July. Package updates include:

  • astropy 4.0.2
  • beautifulsoup4 4.9.3
  • bokeh 2.2.3
  • dask 2.30.0
  • ipython 7.19.0
  • jupyterlab 2.2.6
  • matplotlib 3.3.2
  • networkx 2.5
  • notebook 6.1.4
  • numba 0.51.2
  • numpy 1.19.2
  • openpyxl 3.0.5
  • pandas 1.1.3
  • pillow 8.0.1
  • python 3.8.5
  • scikit-image 0.17.2
  • scikit-learn 0.23.2
  • scipy 1.5.2
  • sphinx 3.2.1
  • spyder 4.1.5
  • sqlalchemy 1.3.20
  • statsmodels 0.12.0
  • sympy 1.6.2

Anaconda Individual Edition 2020.11 includes a new release of Anaconda Navigator – version 1.10.0.

A long requested feature, Navigator now remembers the last environment used instead of loading the default environment each time. This release includes improved integration with Anaconda Team Edition — including an improved login experience.

Also, there are many configuration improvements including being able to modify the conda configuration file (.condarc) directly from the GUI, modify the Navigator configuration file (anaconda-navigator.ini) directly from the GUI, and more.

You’ll also notice new tiles for PyCharm Pro, PyCharm Community, Datalore, and IBM Watson Studio Cloud on the Home tab.

There were also quite a few other bug fixes and improvements — to see the full list please visit the Anaconda Navigator 1.10.0 release notes here.

Note: If you only want to upgrade to the latest version of Anaconda Navigator from 1.9.x, you’ll need to do so in a terminal or command line — as that version of Anaconda Navigator has a bug that will not allow upgrading to 1.10.0 from the GUI. This is fixed in 1.10.0.

This will be the last Anaconda Individual Edition Linux x86_64 installer that supports the CentOS-6 system ABI. CentOS-6 End of Life is slated for November 30, 2020 and at that point new security updates and bug fixes are no longer provided. It is strongly recommended that users upgrade to a newer version of CentOS or other Linux distribution that is compatible with the CentOS-7 system ABI.

You can find the full release notes for Anaconda Individual Edition 2020.11 here.

Update to Anaconda 2020.11 now with conda install anaconda=2020.11, or download and install Anaconda 2020.11.

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