About Us

Anaconda History


Anaconda is founded

Open-source scientific Python

“Get ready to fall in love with Python all over again.” Peter Wang and Travis Oliphant co-found Continuum Analytics to bring open-source scientific Python (NumPy) software to the world of business computing

Conda is created

conda is created as a cross-platform, language-agnostic binary package manager

Community and website

PyData community workshops and website are created

Jupyter Cloud Notebook

Beta launch of a Jupyter Cloud Notebook service (Wakari.io)

$6M DARPA contract

$6M DARPA contract for creating innovative big data technologies leads to key Python open-source projects: Numba, Bokeh, Blaze (now Dask, fsspec), Datashader

$2.7M in seed funding

Expands to Europe

Location in Berlin

Continuum establishes a location in Berlin

Training courses

Extensive training courses enable data scientists and academics to expand Python use

Data conference

First PyData conference (New York City)


Launches Anaconda Server


Offering includes an on-premises package repository, GPU/multi-core processing, installation support, memory-efficient database connectivity


Launches Anaconda Cloud


Cloud brings managed service for sharing packages and environments

$40M Series A funding round

Leadership team secures $40M Series-A funding round

330+ packages

330+ packages in the Python installer, thousands more in the repository


Extensions to AWS platform launched


Transitions to software company

Software product

Begins to transition from an open-source consulting and support organization to a software product company

Intel integration

Intel integrates Anaconda’s packaging and distribution solution

5M users

Microsoft Azure integration


Anaconda hosts inaugural AnacondaCon

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure integration makes it easier to deploy Anaconda on Azure and utilize Microsoft’s cloud services

Anaconda Enterprise

Anaconda Enterprise 5 launch brings scalable data science and ML capabilities to enterprise organizations

720+ packages

720+ Python open-source packages and essential R packages

11M users

Critical mass of users reached

15M users

New leadership


Anaconda Nucleus brings a hub for the data science community to access tutorials, articles, and resources

New personnel join the company

Peter Wang becomes CEO and Barry Libert joins the Anaconda Board of Directors


Embedded partnerships begin

Partnership with Microsoft

Embedded partnership with Microsoft begins


Leadership embraces a remote-first workforce strategy

Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

Anaconda plays a significant role in providing data scientists and researchers with tools and resources to combat the COVID-19 pandemic


Series B funding round

$30M in funding

Leadership team secures $30M in funding

Huge expansion

Anaconda expands resources and tools for educators and students in data science education, including free access to Anaconda Nucleus for academics


Anaconda Business released

Security capabilities

Anaconda Business offers additional security capabilities for business users

AI practices

Anaconda announces initiatives focused on sustainability and responsible AI, emphasizing ethical AI practices


Snowflake embeds Anaconda in Snowpark as their embedded Python runtime

35M users

Launches Python in Excel

Appoints Barry Libert as Executive Chairman
Beta launch

Microsoft embeds Anaconda with Python in Excel beta launch

AI offering

Anaconda expands business strategy to focus on AI offerings

40M users and users at 250K corporations

40M individual users and users at 250K corporations rely on Anaconda’s repository


Anaconda introduces new focus as the Operating System for AI

Appoints new management team

Barry Libert as CEO, Peter Wang as Chief AI Officer, Jessica Reeves as Chief Operating Officer, Rob Futrick as Chief Technology Officer, Chandler Vaughn as Chief Product Officer, and Jason Hochman as EVP, Revenue

Surpasses 1M organizations, 43M users, and 1.9M developers
IBM embeds Anaconda

IBM embeds Anaconda in its AI platform

AI Alliance

Anaconda joins IBM, Meta, and others in the AI Alliance to advance open-source AI adoption, safety, and accessibility