Galvanize Capstone Series: Geolocation of Twitter Users

In June of this year, I completed the Data Science Immersive program at Galvanize in Austin, TX. The final few weeks of the program were dedicated to individual capstone projects of our choosing. I have a background in infectious disease epidemiology and when I was in graduate school there was a lot of interest in using things like Google search queries, Facebook posts, and tweets to try to track the spread of infectious diseases in real-time.

One of the limitations to using Twitter is that only about 1% of tweets are geotagged with the tweet’s location, which can make much of this work very difficult. For my capstone project, I chose to train a model using the 1% of tweets that are geotagged to predict the US city-level location of Twitter users who do not geotag their tweets. This is how I did it:

This post is part of our Galvanize Capstone featured projects. This post was written by Shawn Terryah and posted here with his permission.

In June of this year, I completed the Data Science Immersive program at Galvanize in Austin, TX. The final few weeks of the program were dedicated to individual capstone projects of our choosing. I have a background in infectious disease epidemiology and, when I was in graduate school, there was a lot of interest in using things like Google search queries, Facebook posts, and tweets to try to track the spread of infectious diseases in real-time. One of the limitations to using Twitter is that only about 1% of tweets are geotagged with the tweet’s location, which can make much of this work very difficult. For my capstone project, I chose to train a model using the 1% of tweets that are geotagged to predict the US city-level location of Twitter users who do not geotag their tweets. This is how I did it:

Streaming Training Tweets Using Tweepy

Tweepy is a Python wrapper for the Twitter API that allowed me to easily collect tweets in real-time and store them in MongoBD. The script below was run on an Amazon Web Services EC2 instance with 200 GiB of storage for roughly two weeks using tmux. By filtering based on location, I only received geotagged tweets with a known location to use for training the model.

import tweepy 
import json 
from pymongo import MongoClient 

class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): 
 """tweepy.StreamListener is a class provided by tweepy used to access 
 the Twitter Streaming API to collect tweets in real-time. 
 def on_connect(self): 
 """Called when the connection is made""" 
 print("You're connected to the streaming server.") 

 def on_error(self, status_code): 
 """This is called when an error occurs""" 
 print('Error: ' + repr(status_code)) 
 return False 

 def on_data(self, data): 
 """This will be called each time we receive stream data""" 
 client = MongoClient() 

 # I stored the tweet data in a database called 'training_tweets' in MongoDB, if 
 # 'training_tweets' does not exist it will be created for you. 
 db = client.training_tweets 

 # Decode JSON 
 datajson = json.loads(data) 

 # I'm only storing tweets in English. I stored the data for these tweets in a collection 
 # called 'training_tweets_collection' of the 'training_tweets' database. If 
 # 'training_tweets_collection' does not exist it will be created for you. 
 if "lang" in datajson and datajson["lang"] == "en": 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
 # These are provided to you through the Twitter API after you create a account 
 consumer_key = "your_consumer_key" 
 consumer_secret = "your_consumer_secret" 
 access_token = "your_access_token" 
 access_token_secret = "your_access_token_secret" 

 auth1 = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) 
 auth1.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) 

 # LOCATIONS are the longitude, latitude coordinate corners for a box that restricts the 
 # geographic area from which you will stream tweets. The first two define the southwest 
 # corner of the box and the second two define the northeast corner of the box. 
 LOCATIONS = [-124.7771694, 24.520833, -66.947028, 49.384472, # Contiguous US 
 -164.639405, 58.806859, -144.152365, 71.76871, # Alaska 
 -160.161542, 18.776344, -154.641396, 22.878623] # Hawaii 

 stream_listener = StreamListener(api=tweepy.API(wait_on_rate_limit=True)) 
 stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth1, listener=stream_listener) 

Feature Selection, Feature Engineering, and Data Cleaning

Feature Selection

At the end of two weeks, I had collected data from over 21 million tweets from over 15,500 cities. In addition to the tweet itself, the API provides a number of other fields. These are the fields I used to build the model:



String The actual UTF-8 text of the tweet
‘country_code’ String Country code representing the country that tweet was sent from
‘full_name’ String Full representation of the place the tweet was sent from. For the US, often in the form of ‘City, State,’ but not always.
‘coordinates’ Array of
Array of Array of Float
A series of longitude and latitude points that define a bounding box from where the tweet was sent


The screen name chosen by the user



The number of tweets this user has liked in the account’s lifetime



The number of followers the user currently has



The number of tweets (including retweets) issued by the user



The number of users the user is following (AKA their “followings”)



The number of public lists the user is a member of



The user-defined location for the account’s profile, which is not necessarily a geographic location (e.g., ‘the library,’ ‘watching a movie,’ ‘in my own head,’ ‘The University of Texas’) (Nullable)


The UTC datetime of when the tweet was issued



The offset from GMT/UTC in seconds based the Time Zone that the user selects for their profile (Nullable)

To pull these fields I first exported the data from MongoDB as a json file:

$ mongoexport --db training_tweets --collection training_tweets_collection --out training_tweets.json

I then converted training_tweets.json to a csv file and pulled only the fields from the table above:

import json 
import unicodecsv as csv # unicodecsv ensures that emojis are preserved 

def tweets_json_to_csv(file_list, csv_output_file): 
 INPUT: list of JSON files 
 OUTPUT: single CSV file 

 This function takes a list of JSON files containing tweet data and reads 
 each file line by line, parsing the revelent fields, and writing it to a CSV file. 

 count = 0 
 f = csv.writer(open(csv_output_file, "wb+")) 

 # Column names 
 f.writerow(['tweet', # relabeled: the API calls this 'text' 
 'geo_location', # relabeled: the API calls this 'full_name' 
 'user_described_location', # relabeled: the API calls this 'location' 

 for file_ in file_list: 
 with open(file_, "r") as r: 
 for line in r: 
 tweet = json.loads(line) 
 if tweet and tweet['place'] != None: 
 count += 1 

 # Status update 
 if count % 100000 == 0: 
 print 'Just stored tweet #{}'.format(count) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 tweets_json_to_csv(['training_tweets.json'], 'training_tweets.csv')

From this point forward, I was able to read and manipulate the csv file as a pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.read_csv('training_tweets.csv', encoding='utf-8') # 'utf-8' ensures that emojis are preserved

Feature Engineering


Instead of providing the exact latitude and longitude of the tweet, the Twitter API provides a polygonal bounding box of coordinates that encloses the place where the tweet was sent. To plot the tweets on a map and perform other functions, I found the centroid of each bounding box:

def find_centroid(row): 
 Helper function to return the centroid of a polygonal bounding box of longitude, latitude coordinates 

 row_ = eval(row) 
 lst_of_coords = [item for sublist in row_ for item in sublist] 
 longitude = [p[0] for p in lst_of_coords] 
 latitude = [p[1] for p in lst_of_coords] 
 return (sum(latitude) / float(len(latitude)), sum(longitude) / float(len(longitude))) 
 return None 

# Create a new column called 'centroid' 
df['centroid'] = map(lambda row: find_centroid(row), df['bounding_box'])

Using the centroids, I was able to plot the training tweets on a map using the Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit. Below is the code for generating a plot of the tweets that originated in or around the contiguous US. The same was also done for Alaska and Hawaii.

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

def plot_contiguous_US_tweets(lon, lat, file_path): 
 INPUT: List of longitudes (lon), list of latitudes (lat), file path to save the plot (file_path) 
 OUTPUT: Plot of tweets in the contiguous US. 

 map = Basemap(projection='merc', 
 resolution = 'h', 
 area_thresh = 10000, 
 llcrnrlon=-140.25, # lower left corner longitude of contiguous US 
 llcrnrlat=5.0, # lower left corner latitude of contiguous US 
 urcrnrlon=-56.25, # upper right corner longitude of contiguous US 
 urcrnrlat=54.75) # upper right corner latitude of contiguous US 

 x,y = map(lon, lat) 

 map.plot(x, y, 'bo', markersize=2, alpha=.3) 
 map.fillcontinents(color = '#DAF7A6', lake_color='#a7cdf2') 
 plt.savefig(file_path, format='png', dpi=1000)

The resulting plots for the contiguous US, Alaska, and Hawaii were joined in Photoshop and are shown on the left. The plot on the right is from the Vulcan Project at Purdue University and shows carbon footprints in the contiguous US. As you can see, the plots are very similiar, providing an indication that streaming tweets in this way provides a representative sample of the US population in terms of geographic location.


The field ‘created_at’ is the UTC datetime of when the tweet was issued. Here is an example:

u'created_at': u'Sun Apr 30 01:23:27 +0000 2017'

I was interested in the UTC time, rather than the date, that a tweet was sent, because there are likely geographic differences in these values. I therefore parsed this information from the time stamp and reported this value in seconds.

from dateutil import parser 

def get_seconds(row): 
 Helper function to parse time from a datetime stamp and return the time in seconds 

 time_str = parser.parse(row).strftime('%H:%M:%S') 
 h, m, s = time_str.split(':') 
 return int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s) 

# Create a new column called 'tweet_time_secs' 
df['tweet_time_secs'] = map(lambda row: get_seconds(row), df['created_at'])

Data Cleaning

Missing Data

Both ‘user_described_location’ (note: the API calls this field ‘location’) and ‘utc_offset’ are nullable fields that frequently contain missing values. When this was the case, I filled them in with indicator values:

df['user_described_location'].fillna('xxxMISSINGxxx', inplace=True) 
df['utc_offset'].fillna(999999, inplace=True)

Additionally, a small percentage of tweets contained missing values for ‘country_code.’ When this or other information was missing, I chose to drop the entire row:

df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)

Tweets Outside the US

The bounding box I used to stream the tweets included areas outside the contiguous US. Since the goal for this project was to predict the US city-level location of Twitter users, I relabeled tweets that originated from outside the US. For these tweets ‘country_code’ was relabeled to ‘NOT_US’ and ‘geo_location’ (note: the API calls this field ‘full_name’) was relabeled to ‘NOT_IN_US, NONE’:

def relabel_geo_locations(row): 
 Helper function to relabel the geo_locations from tweets outside the US 
 to 'NOT_IN_US, NONE' 

 if row['country_code'] == 'US': 
 return row['geo_location'] 
 return 'NOT_IN_US, NONE' 

# Relabel 'country_code' for tweets outside the US to 'NOT_US' 
 df['country_code'] = map(lambda cc: cc if cc == 'US' else 'NOT_US', df['country_code']) 

# Relabel 'geo_location' for tweets outside the US to 'NOT_IN_US, NONE' 
df['geo_location'] = df.apply(lambda row: relabel_geo_locations(row), axis=1)

Tweets Lacking a ‘City, State’ Location Label

Most tweets that originated in the US had a ‘geo_location’ in the form of ‘City, State’ (e.g., ‘Austin, TX’). For some tweets, however, the label was less specific and in the form of ‘State, Country’ (e.g., ‘Texas, USA’) or, even worse, in the form of a totally unique value (e.g., ‘Tropical Tan’). Since this data was going to be used to train the model, I wanted to have as granular of a label as possible for each tweet. Therefore, I only kept tweets that were in the form of ‘City, State’ and dropped all others:

def geo_state(row): 
 Helper function to parse the state code for 'geo_location' labels 
 in the form of 'City, State' 

 return row['geo_location'].split(', ')[1] 
 return None 

# Create a new column called 'geo_state' 
df['geo_state'] = df.apply(lambda row: geo_state(row),axis=1) 

# The 'geo_state' column will contain null values for any row where 'geo_location' was not 
# comma separated (e.g., 'Tropical Tan'). We drop those rows here: 
df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) 

# list of valid geo_state labels. "NONE" is the label I created for tweets outside the US 
states = ["AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", 
 "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", 
 "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", 
 "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "NONE"] 

# Keep only rows with a valid geo_state, among others this will drop all rows that had 
# a 'geo_location' in the form of 'State, Country' (e.g., 'Texas, USA') 
df = df[df['geo_state'].isin(states)]

Aggregating the Tweets by User

During the two week collection period, many users tweeted more than once. To prevent potential leakage, I grouped the tweets by user (‘screen_name’), then aggregated the remaining fields.

from collections import Counter 

# aggregation functions 
agg_funcs = {'tweet' : lambda x: ' '.join(x), 
 'geo_location' : lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0], 
 'geo_state' : lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0], 
 'user_described_location': lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0], 
 'utc_offset': lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0], 
 'geo_country_code': lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0], 
 'tweet_time_secs' : np.median, 
 'statuses_count': np.max, 
 'friends_count' :np.mean, 
 'favourites_count' : np.mean, 
 'listed_count' : np.mean, 
 'followers_count' : np.mean} 

# Groupby 'screen_name' and then apply the aggregation functions in agg_funcs 
df = df.groupby(['screen_name']).agg(agg_funcs).reset_index()

Remapping the Training Tweets to the Closest Major City

Since the training tweets came from over 15,500 cities, and I didn’t want to do a 15,500-wise classification problem, I used the centroids to remap all the training tweets to their closest major city from a list of 378 major US cities based on population (plus the single label for tweets outside the US, which used Toronto’s coordinates). This left me with a 379-wise classification problem. Here is a plot of those major cities and the code to remap all the US training tweets to their closest major US city:

import numpy as np 
import pickle 

def load_US_coord_dict(): 
 Input: n/a 
 Output: A dictionary whose keys are the location names ('City, State') of the 
 378 US classification locations and the values are the centroids for those locations 
 (latitude, longittude) 

 pkl_file = open("US_coord_dict.pkl", 'rb') 
 US_coord_dict = pickle.load(pkl_file) 
 return US_coord_dict 

def find_dist_between(tup1, tup2): 
 INPUT: Two tuples of latitude, longitude coordinates pairs for two cities 
 OUTPUT: The distance between the cities 

 return np.sqrt((tup1[0] - tup2[0])**2 + (tup1[1] - tup2[1])**2) 

def closest_major_city(tup): 
 INPUT: A tuple of the centroid coordinates for the tweet to remap to the closest major city 
 OUTPUT: String, 'City, State', of the city in the dictionary 'coord_dict' that is closest to the input city 

 for key, value in US_coord_dict.iteritems(): 
 dist = find_dist_between(tup, value) 
 if key not in d: 
 d[key] = dist 
 return min(d, key=d.get) 

def get_closest_major_city_for_US(row): 
 ''' Helper function to return the closest major city for US users only. For users 
 outside the US it returns 'NOT_IN_US, NONE' 

 if row['geo_location'] == 'NOT_IN_US, NONE': 
 return 'NOT_IN_US, NONE' 
 return closest_major_city(row['centroid']) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 # Load US_coord_dict 
 US_coord_dict = load_US_coord_dict() 

 # Create a new column called 'closest_major_city' 
 df['closest_major_city'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_closest_major_city_for_US(row), axis=1)

Building the Predictive Model

The steps below were run on an Amazon Web Services r3.8xlarge EC2 instance with 244 GiB of memory. Here is a high-level overview of the final model:

High-level Overview of the Stacked Model

Step 1: Load dependencies and prepare the cleaned data for model fitting

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import nltk 
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer 
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer 
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC 
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier 
from sklearn.externals import joblib 

# Tokenizer to use for text vectorization 
def tokenize(tweet): 
 tknzr = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True, preserve_case=False) 
 return tknzr.tokenize(tweet) 

# Read cleaned training tweets file into pandas and randomize it 
df = pd.read_pickle('cleaned_training_tweets.pkl') 
randomized_df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=111) 

# Split randomized_df into two disjoint sets 
half_randomized_df = randomized_df.shape[0] / 2 
base_df = randomized_df.iloc[:half_randomized_df, :] # used to train the base classifiers 
meta_df = randomized_df.iloc[half_randomized_df:, :] # used to train the meta classifier 

# Create variables for the known the geotagged locations from each set 
base_y = base_df['closest_major_city'].values 
meta_y = meta_df['closest_major_city'].values

Step 2: Train a base-level Linear SVC classifier on the user described locations

# Raw text of user described locations 
base_location_doc = base_df['user_described_location'].values 
meta_location_doc = meta_df['user_described_location'].values 

# fit_transform a tf-idf vectorizer using base_location_doc and use it to transform meta_location_doc 
location_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', tokenizer=tokenize, ngram_range=(1,2)) 
base_location_X = location_vect.fit_transform(base_location_doc.ravel()) 
meta_location_X = location_vect.transform(meta_location_doc) 

# Fit a Linear SVC Model with 'base_location_X' and 'base_y'. Note: it is important to use 
# balanced class weights otherwise the model will overwhelmingly favor the majority class. 
location_SVC = LinearSVC(class_weight='balanced'), base_y) 

# We can now pass meta_location_X into the fitted model and save the decision 
# function, which will be used in Step 4 when we train the meta random forest 
location_SVC_decsfunc = location_SVC.decision_function(meta_location_X) 

# Pickle the location vectorizer and the linear SVC model for future use 
joblib.dump(location_vectorizer, 'USER_LOCATION_VECTORIZER.pkl') 
joblib.dump(location_SVC, 'USER_LOCATION_SVC.pkl')

Step 3: Train a base-level Linear SVC classifier on the tweets

# Raw text of tweets 
base_tweet_doc = base_df['tweet'].values 
meta_tweet_doc = meta_df['tweet'].values 

# fit_transform a tf-idf vectorizer using base_tweet_doc and use it to transform meta_tweet_doc 
tweet_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', tokenizer=tokenize) 
base_tweet_X = tweet_vectorizer.fit_transform(base_tweet_doc.ravel()) 
meta_tweet_X = tweet_vectorizer.transform(meta_tweet_doc) 

# Fit a Linear SVC Model with 'base_tweet_X' and 'base_tweet_y'. Note: it is important to use 
# balanced class weights otherwise the model will overwhelmingly favor the majority class. 
tweet_SVC = LinearSVC(class_weight='balanced'), base_y) 

# We can now pass meta_tweet_X into the fitted model and save the decision 
# function, which will be used in Step 4 when we train the meta random forest 
tweet_SVC_decsfunc = tweet_SVC.decision_function(meta_tweet_X) 

# Pickle the tweet vectorizer and the linear SVC model for future use 
joblib.dump(tweet_vectorizer, 'TWEET_VECTORIZER.pkl') 
joblib.dump(tweet_SVC, 'TWEET_SVC.pkl')

Step 4: Train a meta-level Random Forest classifier

# additional features from meta_df to pull into the final model 
friends_count = meta_df['friends_count'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
utc_offset = meta_df['utc_offset'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
tweet_time_secs = meta_df['tweet_time_secs'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
statuses_count = meta_df['statuses_count'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
favourites_count = meta_df['favourites_count'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
followers_count = meta_df['followers_count'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 
listed_count = meta_df['listed_count'].values.reshape(meta_df.shape[0], 1) 

# np.hstack these additional features together 
add_features = np.hstack((friends_count, 

# np.hstack the two decision function variables from steps 2 & 3 with add_features 
meta_X = np.hstack((location_SVC_decsfunc, # from Step 2 above 
 tweet_SVC_decsfunc, # from Step 3 above 

# Fit Random Forest with 'meta_X' and 'meta_y' 
meta_RF = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=60, n_jobs=-1), meta_y) 

# Pickle the meta Random Forest for future use 
joblib.dump(meta_RF, 'META_RF.pkl')

Testing the Model

Collecting and Preparing a Fresh Data Set

A week after I collected the training data set, I collected a fresh data set to use to evaluate the model. For this, I followed the same data collection and preparation procedures as above with a few of exceptions: 1) I only ran the Tweepy script for 48 hours, 2) I removed any users from the evaluation data set that were in the training data set, and 3) I went back to the Twitter API and pulled the 200 most recent tweets for each user that remained in the data set. Remember, the goal for the model is to predict the US city-level location of Twitter users, not individual tweets; therefore, by giving the model a larger corpus of tweets for each user, I hoped to increase the model’s accuracy. Here is the script for pulling the 200 most recent tweets for each user:

import tweepy 
import pandas as pd 

# these are provided to you through the Twitter API after you create a account 
consumer_key = "your_consumer_key" 
consumer_secret = "your_consumer_secret" 
access_token = "your_access_token" 
access_token_secret = "your_access_token_secret" 

count = 0 

def get_200_tweets(screen_name): 
 Helper function to return a list of a Twitter user's 200 most recent tweets 

 auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) 
 auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret) 
 api = tweepy.API(auth, 

 # Initialize a list to hold the user's 200 most recent tweets 
 tweets_data = [] 

 global count 

 # make request for most recent tweets (200 is the maximum allowed per distinct request) 
 recent_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name, count=200) 

 # save data from most recent tweets 

 count += 1 

 # Status update 
 if count % 1000 == 0: 
 print 'Just stored tweets for user #{}'.format(count) 

 count += 1 

 # pull only the tweets and encode them in utf-8 to preserve emojis 
 list_of_recent_tweets = [''.join(tweet.text.encode("utf-8")) for tweet in tweets_data] 

 return list_of_recent_tweets 

# Create a new column in evaluation_df called '200_tweets' 
evaluation_df['200_tweets'] = map(lambda x: get_200_tweets(x), evaluation_df['screen_name'])

Making Predictions on the Fresh Data Set

To make predictions on evaluation_df, the script below was run on the same Amazon Web Services r3.8xlarge EC2 instance that was used to build the model:

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
from sklearn.externals import joblib 
import nltk 
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer 

def tokenize(tweet): 
 tknzr = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True, preserve_case=False) 
 return tknzr.tokenize(tweet) 

class UserLocationClassifier: 

 def __init__(self): 
 Load the stacked classifier's pickled vectorizers, base classifiers, and meta classifier 

 self.location_vectorizer = joblib.load('USER_LOCATION_VECTORIZER.pkl') 
 self.location_SVC = joblib.load('USER_LOCATION_SVC.pkl') 
 self.tweet_vectorizer = joblib.load('TWEET_VECTORIZER.pkl') 
 self.tweet_SVC = joblib.load('TWEET_SVC.pkl') 
 self.meta_RF = joblib.load('META_RF.pkl') 

 def predict(self, df): 
 INPUT: Cleaned and properly formatted dataframe to make predictions for 
 OUTPUT: Array of predictions 
 # Get text from 'user_described_location' column of DataFrame 
 location_doc = df['user_described_location'].values 

 # Convert the '200_tweets' column from a list to just a string of all tweets 
 df.loc[:, '200_tweets'] = map(lambda x: ''.join(x), df['200_tweets']) 

 # Get text from '200_tweets' column of DataFrame 
 tweet_doc = df['200_tweets'].values 

 # Vectorize 'location_doc' and 'tweet_doc' 
 location_X = self.location_vectorizer.transform(location_doc.ravel()) 
 tweet_X = self.tweet_vectorizer.transform(tweet_doc.ravel()) 

 # Store decision functions for 'location_X' and 'tweet_X' 
 location_decision_function = self.location_SVC.decision_function(location_X) 
 tweet_decision_function = self.tweet_SVC.decision_function(tweet_X) 

 # Get additional features to pull into the Random Forest 
 friends_count = df['friends_count'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 utc_offset = df['utc_offset'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 tweet_time_secs = df['tweet_time_secs'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 statuses_count = df['statuses_count'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 favourites_count = df['favourites_count'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 followers_count = df['followers_count'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 
 listed_count = df['listed_count'].values.reshape(df.shape[0], 1) 

 # np.hstack additional features together 
 add_features = np.hstack((friends_count, 

 # np.hstack the two decision function variables with add_features 
 meta_X = np.hstack((location_decision_function, tweet_decision_function, add_features)) 

 # Feed meta_X into Random Forest and make predictions 
 return self.meta_RF.predict(meta_X) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 # Load evaluation_df into pandas DataFrame 
 evaluation_df = pd.read_pickle('evaluation_df.pkl') 

 # Load UserLocationClassifier 
 clf = UserLocationClassifier() 

 # Get predicted locations 
 predictions = clf.predict(evaluation_df) 

 # Create a new column called 'predicted_location' 
 evaluation_df.loc[:, 'predicted_location'] = predictions 

 # Pickle the resulting DataFrame with the location predictions 

Plotting the Locations of Twitter Users on a Map Using Bokeh

Here are some examples of how the model performed on a few selected cities. For each of the maps shown below, the dots indicate the user’s true location, while the title of the map indicates where the model predicted them to be. As you can see, for each city there is a tight cluster in and around the correct location, with only a handfull of extreme misses. Here is the code for generating these plots (note: the final plots shown here were constructed in Photoshop after first using the ‘pan’ and ‘wheel_zoom’ tools in Bokeh to capture screenshots of the contiguous US, Alaska, and Hawaii):

import pandas as pd 
import pickle 

from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_notebook, output_file, show 
from bokeh.tile_providers import STAMEN_TERRAIN 

from functools import partial 
from shapely.geometry import Point 
from shapely.ops import transform 
import pyproj 

# Web mercator bounding box for the US 
US = ((-13884029, -7453304), (2698291, 6455972)) 

x_range, y_range = US 
plot_width = int(900) 
plot_height = int(plot_width*7.0/12) 

def base_plot(tools='pan,wheel_zoom,reset',plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, **plot_args): 
 p = figure(tools=tools, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, 
 x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, outline_line_color=None, 
 min_border=0, min_border_left=0, min_border_right=0, 
 min_border_top=0, min_border_bottom=0, **plot_args) 

 p.axis.visible = False 
 p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None 
 p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None 
 return p 

def plot_predictions_for_a_city(df, name_of_predictions_col, city): 
 INPUT: DataFrame with location predictions; name of column in DataFrame that 
 contains the predictions; city ('City, State') to plot predictions for 
 OUTPUT: Bokeh map that shows the actual location of all the users predicted to 
 be in the selected city 

 df_ = df[df[name_of_predictions_col] == city] 

 # Initialize two lists to hold all the latitudes and longitudes 
 all_lats = [] 
 all_longs = [] 

 # Pull all latitudes in 'centroid' column append to all_lats 
 for i in df_['centroid']: 

 # Pull all longitudes in 'centroid' column append to all_longs 
 for i in df_['centroid']: 

 # Initialize two lists to hold all the latitudes and longitudes 
 # converted to web mercator 
 all_x = [] 
 all_y = [] 

 # Convert latittudes and longitudes to web mercator x and y format 
 for i in xrange(len(all_lats)): 
 pnt = transform( 
 Point(all_longs[i], all_lats[i])) 

 p = base_plot() 
 p.add_tile(STAMEN_TERRAIN), y=all_y, line_color=None, fill_color='#380474', size=15, alpha=.5) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 # Load pickled evaluation_df with location predictions 
 evaluation_df_with_predictions = pd.read_pickle('evaluation_df_with_predictions.pkl') 

 # Plot actual locations for users predicted to be in Eugene, OR 
 plot_predictions_for_a_city(evaluation_df_with_predictions, 'predicted_location', 'Eugene, OR')

Example 1: Eugene, OR


Example 2: Durham, NC


Example 3: Shreveport, LA


Tweet Term Importances for these Cities

To get an idea of what tweet terms were important for predicting these cities, I went through and calculated mean tf-idf values for each of these cities. Below are some of the more interesting terms for each of these cities. To generate these plots, I followed an excellent guide written by Thomas Buhrmann.

Emoji Skin Tone Modifications

One of the more interesting things to fall out of the model was the colored boxes shown above. These represent the skin tone modifications you can add to certain emojis. For most emojis there was not a strong geographic signal; however, for the skin tone modifications there was. As you can see in the term importances plots, Twitter users in Eugene, OR, tended to use lighter colored skin tone modifications while users in Durham, NC, and Shreveport, LA, tended to use darker skin tone modifications.

Scoring the Model

Median Error: 49.6 miles

To score the model I chose to use median error, which came out to be 49.6 miles. This was calculated by using the centroids to find the great-circle distance between the predicted city and the true location. Here is how it was calculated (note: if the user was predicted to be in the correct city, the error was scored as 0.0 miles, regardless of the actual distance between the centroids):

from math import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2, radians 
import pickle 

def load_coord_dict(): 
 Input: n/a 
 Output: A dictionary whose keys are the location names ('City, State') of the 
 379 classification labels and the values are the centroids for those locations 
 (latitude, longitude) 

 pkl_file = open("coord_dict.pkl", 'rb') 
 coord_dict = pickle.load(pkl_file) 
 return coord_dict 

def compute_error_in_miles(zipped_predictions): 
 INPUT: Tuple in the form of (predicted city, centroid of true location) 
 OUTPUT: Float of the great-circle error distance between the predicted city 
 and the true locaiton. 

 radius = 3959 # approximate radius of earth in miles 

 predicted_city = zipped_predictions[0] 
 actual_centroid = zipped_predictions[1] 

 lat1 = radians(coord_dict[predicted_city][0]) 
 lon1 = radians(coord_dict[predicted_city][1]) 
 lat2 = radians(actual_centroid[0]) 
 lon2 = radians(actual_centroid[1]) 

 delta_lon = lon2 - lon1 
 delta_lat = lat2 - lat1 

 a = sin(delta_lat / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta_lon / 2)**2 
 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) 

 error_distance = radius * c 
 return error_distance 

def correct_outside_the_us_errors(row): 
 Helper function to correct the errors to 0.0 for the users that were correctly predicted. This 
 is especially important for users outside the US since they were all given the 
 same label ('NOT_IN_US, NONE') even though their centroids were all different. 

 if row['predicted_location'] == row['geo_location']: 
 error = 0.0 
 error = row['error_in_miles'] 
 return error 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 # Load coord_dict 
 coord_dict = load_coord_dict() 

 centroid_of_true_location = evaluation_df['centroid'].values 
 zipped_predictions = zip(predictions, centroid_of_true_location) 

 # Create a new column with the error value for each prediction 
 evaluation_df['error_in_miles'] = map(lambda x: compute_error_in_miles(x), zipped_predictions) 

 # Change the error of correct predictions to 0.0 miles 
 evaluation_df['error_in_miles'] = evaluation_df.apply(lambda x: 

 median_error = evaluation_df['error_in_miles'].median()

Histogram of Error Distances

Influence of Tweet Number on the Model’s Accuracy

Recall that, for each user I wanted to make a prediction on, I went back to the API and pulled 200 of their most recent tweets. The plot below was generated using the same procedure as above with increasing numbers of tweets for each user. I originally chose 200 because this is the maximum number the API allows you to pull per distinct request. However, as you can see in the plot below, after about 100 tweets there is negligible improvement in the model’s accuracy, meaning for future use it might not be necessary to pull so many tweets for each user.

Final Notes

While a median error of 49.6 miles is pretty good, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Running the Tweepy streaming script for a longer period of time and having a larger collection of training data would likely give an immediate improvement. Additionally, with more training data, you could also include more than 379 classification labels, which would also help to decrease the median error of the model. That said, given the time constraints of the project, I’m satisfied with the current model’s accuracy and think it could be a valuable resource to many projects where having an extremely granular estimate of a Twitter user’s location is not required.

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