Anaconda Repository Changes Afoot

In August 2017, Continuum Analytics announced it is now Anaconda, Inc. Here at Anaconda, we are all excited about the change, and have spent the last several months switching everything over to the Anaconda name. One of the last big changes we need to make is to switch our default conda repository from to Currently, serves up all of the Anaconda and Miniconda installers, as well as the 1,500+ conda packages built by Anaconda.

We will be making this change to the default channels in conda v4.5, which will be released on March 20, 2018. As users update to conda v4.5, we will be monitoring the error logs to ascertain that no one is having any issues connecting to We will continue to serve installers and packages on during this initial phase of the transition.

If you would like to preview conda v4.5, you can install it now from the Anaconda Cloud conda-canary channel. From a terminal or the Anaconda Prompt:

conda install -c conda-canary conda=4.5

We will be carefully analyzing downloads and error logs to decide when it is appropriate to no longer serve installers and packages from, and to begin redirecting requests for directly to We expect it to be at least three months before we make this change. However, we recommend all users switch to using as soon as possible and not depend on having available indefinitely.

If you have any questions or concerns about these upcoming changes, please open an issue on the anaconda-issues github repository.

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